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Breaking into Tech: From FIdelity Finance Analyst to Six-Figure Software Engineer

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Tune into Techtual Chatter with host Henri and special guest Clyde, a former financial analyst turned tech maven, as they dissect the myths and hustle of the tech industry, especially in cybersecurity and software engineering sectors.
In Breaking into Tech: From Finance to Six-Figure Software Engineer Episode 118, uncover the unspoken truths of tech jobs, the significance of technical certifications, and the resilience required to carve out a successful tech career. Clyde shares eye-opening experiences from his own career shift and rise to a senior software engineer, offering an honest take on the industry's ups and downs.

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Tech Resources:
➡️ Need a new resume done or need coaching from me⬇️

➡️ Want to land your first IT Job?
Then check out the IT course from Course careers use my link and code Techtual50 to get $50 off your course ⬇️

➡️ Need help getting into Cybersecurity for a low price?
Check out Josh Madakor's Cybersecurity course at Leveld Careers and use my code TechTual10 to get 10%off your course.

➡️Looking to start your career in the cloud? If so check out the link below: ⬇️

▶️Start your GRC Career Today: https://www.techpreneursclub.com/apply-with-techpreneurs-club-hd

Get my Breaking into cybersecurity ebook: https://techualconsulting.com/digitalproducts

➡️ Donate to the channel here: https://paypal.me/techtualconsulting?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US

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➡️ Check out The TechTual Talk Podcast: https://thetechtualtalk.com

➡️ Follow me on social media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/techtualchatter/
TIkTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@techtualchatter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechtualChatter
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-davis/

FTC Legal Disclaimer - Some links found in the description box of my videos may be affiliate links, meaning I will make a commission on sales you make through my link. This is at no extra cost to you to use my links/codes, it's just one more way to support me and my channel! :)