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Cybersecurity is a Flexible Career for Women | The Techtual Talk ep.67

Welcome to another episode of The TechTual Talk! In this episode Billye joins us to discuss her early career, why cybersecurity is a flexible career choice for women, her interesting in cybersecurity, and much more

Billye worked in the mailroom at a networking company. She moved around in the company and decided that she wanted to do networking. They allowed her on-the-job shadowing experience. She then transitioned to a network engineering career. Billye became interested in cyber security, developed a mentorship program at my company ,and transitioned into a cyber sec analyst role. She is also an author of kids books dedicated to STEM careers. #STEM #tech #cybersecurity

Her book: https://www.amazon.com/Super-Cyber-Adventures-STEM-Friends/dp/1737418762

Check out my Advance your cybersecurity course on linkedin learning here: https://linkedin-learning.pxf.io/mgP3x1

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Check out The TechTual Talk Podcast: https://thetechtualtalk.com

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Check out my latest cybersecurity resume mistake video here:

Watch these playlist:
Cybersecurity Jobsearch Tips: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx70gNuaEAlAEhuWvqnd9I1P3JU7aEIme
TechTual Chatter Reactions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx70gNuaEAlBe-NXtW0l6KYUYUyx9QON3