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How to SUSTAIN a 30 year TECH Career | w/ @ProfessorBlackOps - CyberSecurity for the people

In this episode we talk about how to sustain a 30 year tech career with our guest Professor Black Ops. I hope you enjoy this conversation and make sure you subscribe to our channels if you like the information being given out.

@ProfessorBlackOps - CyberSecurity for the people has been in the IT game for 30+ years, his first intern was in 1988 working on a mainframe. He has done almost everything in it. He worked 11 years for the Department of Defense. He currently is going on his 10th year at a large state agency as a consultant. He's been consulting for 25 yrs. His last 15 years has been in Cyber security and he specializes in Federal Cyber security....

00:00:00 Start and Intro
00:21:00 We support a business
00:28:40 People who got left in the past in tech
00:38:00 Professor black ops gives his opinion on Job hopping
00:49:00 cloud Computing

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▶️ Check out the The TechTual Talk Podcast:

Intro The-Dream by Julian Avila

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