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What is Threat Operations and Threat Intelligence | The TechTual Talk podcast episode 31

In this episode we discuss Threat Operation and Threat Intelligence along with many more topics.

Samara grew up in a blended family in San Antonio, Texas. Throughout most of her childhood and a couple of years in college she played basketball, it was her life (RIP Kobe). After moving on from the “ball is life” mentality, she grew an affinity for technology. This stemmed from being the Limewire expert in the house. She hooked up the family with whatever music they desired, while also loading the home computer with all kinds of malware goodies. Deciding on a career path was easy! After completing a degree in Information Technology with a specialization in Cybersecurity, Samara moved from San Antonio, TX to Columbus, OH to pursue a Cybersecurity career. Samara was a rotation analyst in a program where she had the opportunity to rotate through seven companies headquartered in Columbus to learn from their Cyber Security program. Currently, Samara works in Cyber Threat Intelligence, collecting and analyzing a wide range of threats to a wide range of industries. She specializes in MITRE ATT&CK, threat actor reporting, fostering relationships with other security partners, as well as process design and development.

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